At the heart of the Idol 4s Windows is the robust Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 chipset, paired with a quad-core processor (2x2.15 GHz Kryo & 2x1.6 GHz Kryo) and an Adreno 530 GPU. This hardware configuration allowed the device to smoothly handle multitasking and demanding applications, which was quite competitive in 2016. Coupled with 4GB of RAM, the phone promised efficient performance and could easily manage work-related applications, a significant selling point due to its Windows 10 Mobile operating system. However, the software ecosystem on Windows 10 Mobile remains limited in comparison to iOS and Android, which could be a drawback for some users.
- ⬤ Alcatel Idol 4s Windows Introduction
- ⬤ Alcatel Idol 4s Windows Design and Build
- ⬤ Alcatel Idol 4s Windows Display
- ⬤ Alcatel Idol 4s Windows Performance