At the core of this phone is the Qualcomm Snapdragon 855+ chipset, a 7nm powerhouse with an octa-core CPU designed for efficiency and speed. The Adreno 640 GPU clocks at 700 MHz, ensuring top-tier graphics processing. The device's ROG UI, layered over Android 9.0 (Pie), adds gaming-specific tweaks and optimizations. It’s available in several memory and storage variants, scaling up to a staggering 1TB of internal storage with 12GB of RAM, although it lacks expandable storage options.
- ⬤ Asus ROG Phone II ZS660KL Introduction
- ⬤ Asus ROG Phone II ZS660KL Design and Build Quality
- ⬤ Asus ROG Phone II ZS660KL Display
- ⬤ Asus ROG Phone II ZS660KL Performance