The Zenfone Max (M1) is powered by either a Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 or 430 chipset, depending on the version. The choice between these chipsets, both built on the 28 nm process, dictates the performance nuances between different model variants. The phone offers either a quad-core or an octa-core Cortex-A53 CPU configuration, paired with Adreno 308 or 505 GPUs. Performance-wise, the device capably handles everyday tasks like browsing and media consumption but may struggle with more demanding apps and games.
- ⬤ Asus Zenfone Max (M1) ZB555KL Introduction
- ⬤ Asus Zenfone Max (M1) ZB555KL Design and Build
- ⬤ Asus Zenfone Max (M1) ZB555KL Display
- ⬤ Asus Zenfone Max (M1) ZB555KL Performance