Under the hood, the Coolpad Cool 10A runs on Android 11, powered by the Unisoc SC9863A chipset. This 28 nm processor is designed for budget devices and includes an octa-core CPU consisting of four 1.6 GHz Cortex-A55 cores alongside four 1.2 GHz Cortex-A55 cores. Paired with an IMG8322 GPU, this setup allows for basic multitasking and casual gaming. The phone houses 2GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage, which can be expanded via a dedicated microSDXC slot. Thus, while the performance won’t match that of premium smartphones, it is adequate for general usage like browsing and social media.
- ⬤ Coolpad Cool 10A Introduction
- ⬤ Coolpad Cool 10A Design and Build
- ⬤ Coolpad Cool 10A Display
- ⬤ Coolpad Cool 10A Performance