Running on Android 6.0 Marshmallow, the Coolpad Note 3s is underpinned by a Qualcomm MSM8929 Snapdragon 415 chipset. The octa-core processor, structured with four cores at 1.3 GHz and another four at 1.0 GHz, aligns the device's performance with its intended budget category. Accompanied by an Adreno 405 GPU, the device handles basic gaming and multimedia tasks adequately but may exhibit limitations with higher-end applications or multitasking.
In terms of memory, the phone equipped with 32GB of internal storage and 3GB of RAM is noteworthy; however, storage options are expandable via a microSDHC card, facilitating additional space for users who favor downloading numerous applications or media files. The use of eMMC 4.5 storage offers standard read/write speeds, typical of devices within this range.