Under the hood, the Gigabyte GSmart S1200 was powered by a Qualcomm MSM7200A chipset with a 528 MHz ARM 11 CPU and an Adreno 130 GPU. While these specifications may seem modest today, they were adequate for handling basic tasks and applications on the Windows Mobile 6.1/6.5 Professional platform. It offered 288MB of RAM and 512MB of ROM, with the possibility of expanding storage via a microSDHC card slot, which was essential for users needing more space for applications and multimedia files.
- ⬤ Gigabyte GSmart S1200 Introduction
- ⬤ Gigabyte GSmart S1200 Design and Build
- ⬤ Gigabyte GSmart S1200 Display
- ⬤ Gigabyte GSmart S1200 Performance