Under the hood, the HTC One X runs on the Qualcomm MSM8960 Snapdragon S4 Plus chipset, featuring a dual-core 1.5 GHz Krait CPU paired with an Adreno 225 GPU. This combination allows for competent performance capable of handling day-to-day tasks efficiently and running multiple applications smoothly. While it pales in comparison to modern multi-core processors, it was quite advanced at the time of release. The device initially shipped with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, with the option to upgrade to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, including HTC’s own Sense UI overlay known for its intuitive features and aesthetic appeal. With 16GB of internal storage and 1GB of RAM, it manages well with moderate usage; however, the lack of a memory card slot limits expandability, which might be a downside for media-heavy users.