Under the hood, the Infinix Hot 6X runs on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 chipset. This processor, built on a 28nm architecture, pairs a quad-core 1.4 GHz Cortex-A53 CPU with an Adreno 308 GPU, offering a basic performance suitable for everyday tasks like social media browsing, messaging, and light gaming. Running on Android 8.1 Oreo, the phone delivers a usable interface that will feel intuitive to Android users. The two available configurations, 16GB of internal storage with 2GB RAM and 32GB with 3GB RAM, can handle multitasking to a moderate degree while supporting storage expansion through a microSD card.
- ⬤ Infinix Hot 6X Design and Build
- ⬤ Infinix Hot 6X Display
- ⬤ Infinix Hot 6X Performance