At the heart of the LeEco Le Pro3 Elite lies the Qualcomm MSM8996 Snapdragon 820 chipset, built on a 14 nm process, which powers the device quite adeptly. The quad-core CPU, consisting of two high-performance Kryo cores clocked at 2.15 GHz and two efficiency-focused Kryo cores at 1.6 GHz, delivers a balanced performance suitable for both light tasks and more demanding applications. Its GPU, the Adreno 530, competently handles graphics-intensive tasks, making the phone a decent choice for mobile gaming. The device was launched with Android 6.0 (Marshmallow), customized with eUI 5.8, which can feel a bit outdated by today's standards.
- ⬤ LeEco Le Pro3 Elite Introduction
- ⬤ LeEco Le Pro3 Elite Design and Build
- ⬤ LeEco Le Pro3 Elite Display
- ⬤ LeEco Le Pro3 Elite Performance