Under the hood, the phone is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 chipset, featuring a quad-core Qualcomm APQ8064 processor and an Adreno 320 GPU. This powerful combination ensures smooth performance across a variety of applications and multitasking scenarios. The phone comes with 2GB of RAM, which was quite generous at the time of its release, allowing for efficient handling of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and LG's Optimus UI v3.0. Internal storage is capped at 32GB, and although there is no card slot for expansion, this should suffice for most users' needs.
- ⬤ LG Optimus G LS970 Introduction
- ⬤ LG Optimus G LS970 Design and Build
- ⬤ LG Optimus G LS970 Display
- ⬤ LG Optimus G LS970 Performance