Powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 5G chipset built on a 6nm process, the Moto G34 ensures efficient performance and reliable 5G connectivity. Its octa-core CPU comprises two 2.2 GHz Kryo 660 Gold and six 1.7 GHz Kryo 660 Silver cores, delivering speedy processing for apps and tasks. The accompanying Adreno 619 GPU handles graphics decently, making it viable for casual gaming. Users can choose from a range of memory configurations, including 64GB with 4GB RAM, 128GB with 4GB or 8GB RAM, and a top option of 256GB with 8GB RAM. Furthermore, storage expansion is possible via a microSDXC card, albeit sharing the SIM slot.
- ⬤ Motorola Moto G34 Introduction
- ⬤ Motorola Moto G34 Design and Build
- ⬤ Motorola Moto G34 Display
- ⬤ Motorola Moto G34 Performance
- ⬤ Motorola Moto G34 Cameras