Under the hood, the Moto S30 Pro is equipped with the Qualcomm SM8350 Snapdragon 888+ 5G chipset. This octa-core processor, coupled with the Adreno 660 GPU, ensures powerful and efficient performance, capable of handling demanding applications and multitasking with ease. The device runs on Android 12 with MYUI 4.0, offering a smooth and customizable user experience. Available memory configurations range from 128GB with 8GB RAM to an impressive 512GB with 12GB RAM, though it lacks an expandable card slot, making initial storage choice crucial.
- ⬤ Motorola Moto S30 Pro Introduction
- ⬤ Motorola Moto S30 Pro Design and Build
- ⬤ Motorola Moto S30 Pro Display
- ⬤ Motorola Moto S30 Pro Performance