Powered by the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 chipset with a 4 nm architecture, the Moto X30 Pro delivers top-tier performance. The octa-core CPU, comprised of a powerful Cortex-X2 and efficient Cortex-A710 and Cortex-A510 cores, ensures swift multitasking and efficient power usage. The Adreno 730 GPU further boosts graphics performance, making the device apt for gaming and media consumption. Running Android 12 with the MYUI 4.0 is user-friendly, adding Motorola-specific customizations and features that complement the device's hardware capabilities.
- ⬤ Motorola Moto X30 Pro Introduction
- ⬤ Motorola Moto X30 Pro Design and Build Quality
- ⬤ Motorola Moto X30 Pro Display
- ⬤ Motorola Moto X30 Pro Performance