Under the hood, the Moto Z4 Play was set to run on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 675, a capable mid-range chipset built on the 11 nm process. This octa-core processor, composed of two Kryo 460 Gold cores and six Kryo 460 Silver cores, is designed for efficient multitasking and smooth performance. Coupled with the Adreno 612 GPU, this setup promises competent handling of general usage and moderate gaming demands. The phone was projected to come with either 4GB or 6GB of RAM, paired with 64GB and 128GB of internal storage options, respectively. The inclusion of a microSDXC slot, utilizing a shared SIM slot, would have expanded storage capacity, though at the expense of dual SIM functionality.
- ⬤ Motorola Moto Z4 Play Motorola Moto Z4 Play Review
- ⬤ Motorola Moto Z4 Play Design and Build
- ⬤ Motorola Moto Z4 Play Performance