Under the hood, the Eluga Turbo runs on Android 5.1 Lollipop with Panasonic's FitHome UI layered on top. While the operating system is now dated, it was standard at the time. Powering the device is the Mediatek MT6753 chipset with an octa-core 1.5 GHz Cortex-A53 CPU, alongside a Mali-T720MP3 GPU. This configuration, paired with 3GB of RAM, allows the phone to handle basic applications and multitasking with relative ease, though it isn't built to handle more demanding, graphics-intensive tasks.
- ⬤ Panasonic Eluga Turbo Introduction
- ⬤ Panasonic Eluga Turbo Design and Build
- ⬤ Panasonic Eluga Turbo Display
- ⬤ Panasonic Eluga Turbo Performance