Under the hood, the Galaxy A20e is powered by the Exynos 7884 chipset, featuring an octa-core processor with two Cortex-A73 cores clocked at 1.6 GHz and six Cortex-A53 cores running at 1.35 GHz. Paired with 3GB of RAM and a Mali-G71 MP2 GPU, this setup handles everyday applications and multitasking with relative ease. The phone initially runs on Android 9.0 (Pie) but can be upgraded to Android 11 with Samsung's One UI 3, offering a smooth user experience with software updates.
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy A20e Introduction
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy A20e Design and Build
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy A20e Display
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy A20e Performance