Built on the Qualcomm MSM8916 Snapdragon 410 platform, the Galaxy A5 Duos houses a quad-core 1.2 GHz Cortex-A53 processor alongside an Adreno 306 GPU. While it wasn’t pushing boundaries in terms of raw power even at launch, it offered stable performance for day-to-day activities such as browsing the web, social media, and using standard applications. Paired with 2GB of RAM, it handled multitasking with moderate ease, although heavy gaming or resource-intensive apps posed more of a challenge. Its internal storage capacity of 16GB could be expanded via microSDXC, though it utilized a shared SIM slot, presenting a choice between dual-SIM functionality and additional storage.
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy A5 Duos Introduction
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy A5 Duos Design and Build
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy A5 Duos Display
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy A5 Duos Performance