Under the hood, the Galaxy A51 5G UW is powered by the Qualcomm SM7250 Snapdragon 765G 5G chipset, which is built on a 7 nm process. This octa-core processor includes a blend of performance and efficiency, with one 2.4 GHz core for demanding tasks and additional 1x2.2 GHz and 6x1.8 GHz cores to handle everyday activities. The Adreno 620 GPU supports graphic-intensive applications and games. Combined with 6GB of RAM, the phone delivers smooth multitasking and is capable of running modern applications with minimal lag.
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy A51 5G UW Overview
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy A51 5G UW Design and Build Quality
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy A51 5G UW Display
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy A51 5G UW Performance