On the performance front, the Galaxy M23 is powered by the Qualcomm SM7225 Snapdragon 750G 5G chipset, built on an 8 nm process. This chipset features an octa-core CPU with two high-performance 2.2 GHz Kryo 570 cores and six 1.8 GHz Kryo 570 cores, coupled with the Adreno 619 GPU. This setup ensures competent performance for everyday tasks and moderate gaming. The device initially ships with Android 12 but is upgradeable to Android 13 with Samsung's One UI 5.1, which provides an intuitive and smooth user interface. Storage options include 64GB with 4GB RAM, 128GB with 4GB RAM, and a more powerful 128GB with 6GB RAM variant, all of which support expandable storage through a dedicated microSDXC slot.