Equipped with the Qualcomm MSM8960 Snapdragon S4 Plus chipset, the Galaxy S III I747 delivered robust performance for its time. The dual-core 1.5 GHz Krait CPU, coupled with the Adreno 225 GPU, ensured efficient multitasking and smooth graphics handling for gaming and applications. Initially running on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and upgradeable to Android 4.1.1 (Jelly Bean) with Samsung's TouchWiz UI, the phone offered a user-friendly interface with added features like S-Voice for voice commands.
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy S III I747 Introduction
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy S III I747 Design and Build
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy S III I747 Display
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy S III I747 Performance