Under the hood, the Galaxy S23 is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, built on a 4nm process, which is a powerhouse when it comes to performance and efficiency. The octa-core CPU consists of a single 3.36 GHz Cortex-X3 core for maximum performance, paired with efficient Cortex-A715 and Cortex-A710 cores, and three Cortex-A510 cores for background tasks. This configuration, along with the Adreno 740 GPU, delivers an impressive performance for both everyday multitasking and high-end gaming. Paired with 8GB of RAM, the Galaxy S23 handles multitasking with ease. However, the lack of a memory card slot limits storage expansion, but internal storage options range up to 512GB with UFS 3.1 technology for faster data access.