Powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 670 chipset, the Galaxy Tab S5e offers reliable performance. It features an octa-core CPU configuration, combining two 2.0 GHz Kryo 360 Gold cores and six 1.7 GHz Kryo 360 Silver cores, along with an Adreno 615 GPU. This setup ensures smooth multitasking and efficient handling of various applications, from everyday tasks to more demanding scenarios. Users can choose between two configurations: 64GB of internal storage with 4GB of RAM or 128GB of internal storage with 6GB of RAM. Additionally, the tablet supports storage expansion via a dedicated microSDXC card slot, providing flexibility for storing more content.
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e Introduction
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e Design and Build
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e Display
- ⬤ Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e Performance