Under the hood, the Xperia 10 III Lite features the Qualcomm Snapdragon 690 5G chipset. With its 8 nm architecture, the octa-core processor (consisting of two high-performance Kryo 560 Gold cores and six energy-efficient Kryo 560 Silver cores) ensures a smooth multitasking experience and efficient power usage. The Adreno 619 GPU supports an array of games and graphic-intensive applications. Coupled with 6GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage, expandable via microSDXC, the phone manages everyday tasks with ease, although heavier gaming might push its limits.
- ⬤ Sony Xperia 10 III Lite Introduction
- ⬤ Sony Xperia 10 III Lite Design and Build
- ⬤ Sony Xperia 10 III Lite Display
- ⬤ Sony Xperia 10 III Lite Performance