Underneath its sophisticated exterior, the Signature Touch houses formidable components. Powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 chipset, an octa-core CPU (divided between four Cortex-A53 cores and four Cortex-A57 cores), and Adreno 430 GPU, the phone, even by modern standards, delivers competitive performance. The 4GB RAM complements the setup effectively, enabling smooth multitasking and efficient handling of demanding applications. It runs on Android 5.1 Lollipop, which, while dated, offers a user-friendly interface.
- ⬤ Vertu Signature Touch (2015) Introduction
- ⬤ Vertu Signature Touch (2015) Design and Build
- ⬤ Vertu Signature Touch (2015) Display
- ⬤ Vertu Signature Touch (2015) Performance