At the heart of the iQOO 5 Pro is the powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 5G chipset, built on a 7nm+ process. Its octa-core CPU configuration includes a high-performance Cortex-A77 core clocked at 2.84 GHz, three additional Cortex-A77 cores at 2.42 GHz, and four Cortex-A55 cores at 1.80 GHz, offering a seamless experience whether you're gaming, streaming, or multitasking. The device comes with two RAM options, 8GB or a whopping 12GB, paired with 256GB of UFS 3.1 internal storage, which ensures fast read and write capabilities. However, it's important to note the absence of a microSD card slot, which might be a drawback for users requiring expandable storage.