Powered by the Qualcomm SM8350 Snapdragon 888+ 5G chipset, the iQOO 9 delivers staggering performance levels. Its CPU configuration is top-notch with an octa-core setup, consisting of one 2.99 GHz Cortex-X1, three 2.42 GHz Cortex-A78, and four 1.80 GHz Cortex-A55 cores. The Adreno 660 GPU enhances graphical performance, making it an ideal choice for mobile gamers and multimedia enthusiasts. The device runs on Android 12, wrapped in vivo’s own Funtouch 12, offering fluid user interface interactions. RAM and storage options are robust, with variants of 128GB storage paired with 8GB RAM, or 256GB with 12GB RAM, both utilizing the fast UFS 3.1 technology. However, it is important to note the absence of expandable storage, encouraging users to choose an internal capacity that matches their needs.