Under the hood, the vivo T1 is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G chipset, a 6nm architecture that efficiently balances power and battery consumption. The CPU configuration, including one Cortex-A78 core clocked at 2.4 GHz for intensive tasks and three additional A78 cores at 2.2 GHz, ensures swift performance across various applications. Additionally, the Adreno 642L GPU supports advanced graphics rendering, beneficial for gaming enthusiasts. The phone's internal storage capacity of 128GB paired with 8GB of RAM provides ample space and swift multitasking capabilities, though the absence of a microSD card slot could be a constraint for some users.
- ⬤ vivo T1 (Snapdragon 778G) Introduction
- ⬤ vivo T1 (Snapdragon 778G) Design and Build Quality
- ⬤ vivo T1 (Snapdragon 778G) Display
- ⬤ vivo T1 (Snapdragon 778G) Performance