Under the hood, the vivo T1x runs on the Qualcomm SM6225 Snapdragon 680 4G chipset, which is built on a 6nm process. This is complemented by an octa-core CPU configuration consisting of four high-performance Kryo 265 Gold cores clocked at 2.4 GHz and four energy-efficient Kryo 265 Silver cores at 1.9 GHz. The Adreno 610 GPU handles graphics tasks efficiently. These components work in harmony to deliver a responsive and fluid user experience on Android, supported by the Funtouch 12 interface.
- ⬤ vivo T1x (India) Overview
- ⬤ vivo T1x (India) Design and Build
- ⬤ vivo T1x (India) Display
- ⬤ vivo T1x (India) Performance
- ⬤ vivo T1x (India) Memory and Storage