Powered by the Qualcomm SDM670 Snapdragon 670 chipset, the vivo X23 manages to provide robust performance for its class. The octa-core CPU, combined with the Adreno 615 GPU, allows for efficient multitasking and smooth handling of graphic-intensive applications. The device runs on Android 8.1 (Oreo) with vivo’s Funtouch 4.5 skin, offering a user-friendly interface and a variety of customization options. The substantial 8GB of RAM ensures that the phone can manage multiple applications with ease, while the fixed 128GB of internal storage offers sufficient space for most users, even though there is no option for expandable storage via a microSD card.
- ⬤ vivo X23 Introduction
- ⬤ vivo X23 Design and Build
- ⬤ vivo X23 Display
- ⬤ vivo X23 Performance