Under the hood, the Vivo Y33t is powered by the Qualcomm SM6225 Snapdragon 680 4G chipset, built on a 6 nm process. Its octa-core CPU configuration, consisting of 4x2.4 GHz Kryo 265 Gold and 4x1.9 GHz Kryo 265 Silver, delivers a smooth performance for multitasking and everyday tasks. Combined with the Adreno 610 GPU, the phone handles graphical demands efficiently, ensuring a seamless experience for casual gaming. Vivo offers two variants in terms of memory: one with 128GB of internal storage paired with 6GB of RAM, and another with the same storage but increased to 8GB of RAM. The inclusion of a dedicated microSDXC card slot further expands storage possibilities, accommodating up to multiple gigabytes of additional data.