Powered by the Qualcomm MSM8916 Snapdragon 410 chipset, the Vodafone Tab Prime 6 offers a quad-core 1.3 GHz Cortex-A53 CPU alongside an Adreno 306 GPU. These specifications, typical for budget devices from that era, ensure a performance level adequate for handling everyday tasks such as web browsing, social media, and casual gaming. Running on Android 5.0 Lollipop, users experience a relatively smooth interface for most standard applications. However, the 1GB of RAM limits multitasking capabilities, potentially causing slowdowns when many applications are open simultaneously.
- ⬤ Vodafone Tab Prime 6 Introduction
- ⬤ Vodafone Tab Prime 6 Design and Build
- ⬤ Vodafone Tab Prime 6 Display
- ⬤ Vodafone Tab Prime 6 Performance