At the heart of the Black Shark Helo lies the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 chipset, a powerful processor designed for high-performance tasks and gaming. This octa-core CPU is paired with the Adreno 630 GPU, providing ample graphical horsepower to run demanding applications smoothly. With memory options ranging from 6GB RAM with 128GB storage, 8GB RAM with 128GB storage, to a massive 10GB RAM with 256GB of storage, this phone balances performance with ample capacity for apps and files. Unfortunately, the absence of a card slot limits expandability, but the larger storage options help mitigate this constraint.
- ⬤ Xiaomi Black Shark Helo Introduction
- ⬤ Xiaomi Black Shark Helo Design and Build
- ⬤ Xiaomi Black Shark Helo Display
- ⬤ Xiaomi Black Shark Helo Performance