Under the hood, the Xiaomi Mi 9 packs a punch with its Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 chipset, built on a 7nm process technology. Its octa-core CPU, composed of a single 2.84 GHz Kryo 485 core, three 2.42 GHz Kryo 485 cores, and four 1.78 GHz Kryo 485 cores, ensures seamless multitasking and high-speed processing. Coupled with the Adreno 640 GPU, it handles graphically intensive applications and games with ease. Depending on the model, users can choose from several RAM and storage options ranging from 6GB/64GB to 8GB/256GB, each supporting UFS 2.1 for faster data accessibility. However, the absence of a microSD card slot for expandable storage could be a limitation for some users.