Under the hood, the Mi A2 Lite houses a Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 chipset, which has proven to be a reliable workhorse. The octa-core Cortex-A53 CPU clocked at 2.0 GHz, combined with an Adreno 506 GPU, handles everyday tasks and moderate gaming with ease. It originally shipped with Android 8.1 Oreo but is upgradable to Android 10, thanks to its inclusion in the Android One program. This ensures users benefit from a near-stock Android experience and timely updates.
- ⬤ Xiaomi Mi A2 Lite (Redmi 6 Pro) Introduction
- ⬤ Xiaomi Mi A2 Lite (Redmi 6 Pro) Design and Build Quality
- ⬤ Xiaomi Mi A2 Lite (Redmi 6 Pro) Display
- ⬤ Xiaomi Mi A2 Lite (Redmi 6 Pro) Performance