Under the hood, this tablet houses the powerful Qualcomm SM8475 Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 chipset. The octa-core CPU, with its mixture of cores tailored for performance and efficiency, along with the Adreno 730 GPU, guarantees that the Pad 6 Max 14 can handle intense multitasking and demanding applications with ease. Running on Android 13 with MIUI Pad 14, users should expect an experience that offers both the latest features and optimizations from Xiaomi's software ecosystem.
- ⬤ Xiaomi Pad 6 Max 14 Introduction
- ⬤ Xiaomi Pad 6 Max 14 Design and Build
- ⬤ Xiaomi Pad 6 Max 14 Display
- ⬤ Xiaomi Pad 6 Max 14 Performance