Powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 chipset, the Redmi Note 6 Pro is equipped to handle everyday tasks with ease. The octa-core processor, which features four Kryo 260 Gold cores clocked at 1.8 GHz and four Kryo 260 Silver cores at 1.6 GHz, strikes a balance between power efficiency and performance. The Adreno 509 GPU supports decent gaming experiences and efficient graphics rendering. Originally shipped with Android 8.1 (Oreo), the phone is upgradable to Android 10, accompanied by Xiaomi's own MIUI 12 interface, offering a more customized user experience. Users can choose from three combinations of internal storage and RAM: 32GB with 3GB RAM, 64GB with 4GB RAM, and a 64GB with 6GB RAM, allowing them to select a variant that fits their storage needs and multitasking requirements.