Under the hood, the ZTE Axon 10 Pro 5G is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 chipset, built on a 7nm process. The octa-core CPU and Adreno 640 GPU ensure smooth performance across a variety of applications and gaming scenarios. Available memory configurations include 128GB with 6GB of RAM, 256GB with 8GB of RAM, and 256GB with 12GB of RAM, using UFS 2.1 storage technology for faster data access speeds. The option for microSDXC expansion (via a shared SIM slot) provides additional storage flexibility. The device initially launched with Android 9.0 (Pie), overlaid with ZTE's MiFavor 9.1 UI, offering a custom user experience.
- ⬤ ZTE Axon 10 Pro 5G ZTE Axon 10 Pro 5G Review
- ⬤ ZTE Axon 10 Pro 5G Design and Build Quality
- ⬤ ZTE Axon 10 Pro 5G Display
- ⬤ ZTE Axon 10 Pro 5G Performance