At the heart of the Red Magic 6s Pro lies the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888+ 5G chipset. This formidable processor, coupled with an octa-core CPU and Adreno 660 GPU, positions the phone amongst the fastest on the market. It effortlessly handles intensive gaming and multitasking without breaking a sweat. Depending on the variant, users can choose between 128GB with 12GB RAM, 256GB with 12GB or 16GB RAM, and a massive 512GB with 18GB RAM. The UFS 3.1 storage technology ensures lightning-fast read and write speeds.
- ⬤ ZTE nubia Red Magic 6s Pro Introduction
- ⬤ ZTE nubia Red Magic 6s Pro Design and Build
- ⬤ ZTE nubia Red Magic 6s Pro Display
- ⬤ ZTE nubia Red Magic 6s Pro Performance