At the heart of the Red Magic 7S Pro lies the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 chipset, fabricated on a 4-nanometer process, ensuring leading-edge performance. The Octa-core CPU and Adreno 730 GPU render the phone formidable in processing tasks and graphics, respectively, capable of handling the most demanding applications and games without breaking a sweat. With RAM options extending to 18GB and storage configurations reaching up to 1TB, the device bridges the gap between performance necessity and future-proofing, albeit without a microSD card slot for additional expansion.
- ⬤ ZTE nubia Red Magic 7S Pro Introduction
- ⬤ ZTE nubia Red Magic 7S Pro Design and Build Quality
- ⬤ ZTE nubia Red Magic 7S Pro Display
- ⬤ ZTE nubia Red Magic 7S Pro Performance