Under the hood, the Nubia Z50 Ultra is powered by the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, built on a 4 nm process. The octa-core CPU configuration, including a powerful 3.2 GHz Cortex-X3 core, ensures snappy performance and efficient multitasking. Coupled with the Adreno 740 GPU, the device handles graphics-intensive tasks and high-end gaming with ease. It runs on Android 13 with MyOS 13 overlay, offering a seamless and customizable user experience.
- ⬤ ZTE nubia Z50 Ultra Introduction
- ⬤ ZTE nubia Z50 Ultra Design and Build
- ⬤ ZTE nubia Z50 Ultra Display
- ⬤ ZTE nubia Z50 Ultra Performance