InduSoft Web Studio
InduSoft Web Studio (or IWS, for short) is a powerful, integrated tool that exploits key features of Microsoft operating systems and enables you to build full-featured SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) or HMI (Human-Machine Interface) programs for your industrial automation business.
InduSoft Web Studio is powerful software for developing HMI, SCADA, and OEE/Dashboard projects that can be deployed anywhere.
Each IWS project consists of:
A project tags database to manage all run-time data, including both internal variables and I/O data;
Configurable drivers to communicate in real-time with programmable logic controllers (PLCs), remote I/O devices, and other data-acquisition equipment;
Animated HMI screens and OEE dashboards; and
Optional modules such as alarms, events, trends, recipes, reports, scriptable logic, schedulers, a project security system, and a complete database interface.
After you develop your project, you can either run it locally on your development workstation or download it to a remote computer and run it there. The project runtime server processes I/O data from connected devices according to your project parameters and then reacts to, displays, and/or saves the data.