Under the hood, the Pixel XL was powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 chipset, which was cutting-edge at the time. The quad-core CPU configuration consisted of 2x2.15 GHz Kryo and 2x1.6 GHz Kryo cores, which, combined with an Adreno 530 GPU, provided smooth performance and handled most tasks and games with ease. The device came with Android 7.1 Nougat and was upgradable to Android 10, benefitting from Google's priority software updates. The Pixel XL offered two storage variants: 32GB and 128GB, both paired with 4GB of RAM. However, the lack of a microSD card slot might have been a limitation for those seeking expandable storage.
- ⬤ Google Pixel XL Review of the Google Pixel XL: A Comprehensive Look
- ⬤ Google Pixel XL Design and Build Quality
- ⬤ Google Pixel XL Display
- ⬤ Google Pixel XL Performance